Monday, September 09 2019
An old white guy recommends taking American tax dollars to go to primarily black countries and finance the extermination of their future generations. Colonialist? Imperialist? Racist? It would sure seem that way. And in a media culture that currently prides itself on its wokeness, the poor sap who suggested something so ignorant and so offensive should expect to be exposed and buried. Unless that old white guy is a notoriously hypocritical socialist Senator from Vermont named Bernie Sanders, that is. In that case, everyone in media yawns and starts talking about President Trump’s sharpies. Of the myriad examples of profound media bias that have already surfaced in the 2020 presidential election season, surely the contemptible silence of the mainstream press in the face of Sanders’ call to exterminate black kids for the sake of the planet is the worst. If you missed it, and given the paucity of coverage you could be excused if you did, the appalling suggestion came during CNN’s absurd climate townhall. A teacher in the crowd named Martha Readyoff asked a question of Sanders that was stunningly dimwitted in its premise:
Again, it was a breathtakingly ignorant question. Claiming the planet is incapable of sustaining the population growth we are experiencing is unsubstantiated conjecture at best, intentional conspiracy theory based fear-mongering at worst. All quantifiable indicators, including the global poverty rate decrease, improvement of living conditions, decline in malnutrition, etc. tell us the precise opposite. So no, this isn’t an issue that is “crucial to face.” It’s not an issue at all. But Bernie is always excited to jump on the next radical policy proposal that comes down the pike. So he waded into the whirlpool of nonsense:
Now remember this is the same Sanders who not only opposes the Mexico City Policy, but also opposes the 1974 Helms Amendment. In other words, the Vermont socialist is so dedicated to the extermination of foreign babies that he opposes a common sense law forbidding the practice that has enjoyed bipartisan support for 45 years – almost as long as aborting kids has been judicially permitted in the United States. We know that progressives and socialists like Sanders want to use the climate change issue to deprive the third world of the ability to industrialize and lift themselves out of poverty. That’s despicable enough. But to go from support for the passive extermination of foreign kids by locking them into poverty to support for the active extermination of foreign kids by American-financed abortion would be newsworthy in a sane culture. |