Wednesday, November 28 2018
Any aspiring law student should feel privileged to study under Professor Amy Wax. And any true feminist – that is, a person who cares about the advancement, success, professional and personal wholeness, and accomplishment of females – should be celebrating her as an inspiration and a role model. Wax has excelled academically at three Ivy League schools – Bachelor’s from Yale, medical degree from Harvard, and law degree from Columbia – and she teaches at a fourth, the University of Pennsylvania. Besides that, she has argued 15 times in front of the esteemed justices of the U.S. Supreme Court. She is a treasure trove of life experience, wisdom, and professionalism... Nov
Tuesday, November 27 2018
Sometimes it astounds me some of the fairy tales, fables, moral parables, and nursery rhymes that people have never heard. A couple years ago I had an entire classroom full of students who had never heard about Old Mother Hubbard. But as astounding as that is, count me as even more floored by the apparent reality that the modern political left has never been told the tragic story of the boy who cried wolf. I say “apparent reality” because in order to make her case for a big-government “Green New Deal” to address global warming, newly elected Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez went to the liberal well of mass extinction... Nov
Monday, November 26 2018
These days I find myself less inclined to bicker over politics than ever before. I truly and honestly want to find as many points of agreement, points of unity, and common ground as possible with my fellow countrymen. It may seem counterintuitive then that I don’t feel overly inclined to defend President Trump when he’s maligned by the left. Some of it is unfair, to be sure. But finding common ground means I also have to be intellectually honest enough to realize that President Trump thrives on controversy, so he intentionally provokes it. No one can look at his conduct, his word choice, his Twitter feed, and come to any other conclusion than Trump stokes the fire because he loves the fight. Some on the right may be convinced that is the best way forward for our extraordinarily divided country. I am not... Nov
Sunday, November 25 2018
The tech world is often known as a progressive paradise. The heads of most of the technological, internet, and social media giants are supportive of left-wing political causes. That’s why it was really surprising to see the news that Jack Dorsey’s Twitter has adopted a policy that can fairly be understood as openly hostile to feminists. In an effort to acquiesce to demands from the LGBT political lobby, Twitter has announced that they will begin suspending users who, “misgender or deadname” another person on their platform... Nov
Thursday, November 22 2018
Sexism is bad. Still, I’m going to say something crazy here, so get ready. Seeing sexism everywhere, or trying desperately to shoehorn it in to every political setback for a woman, disregarding all other factors involved, is also bad. Very bad. Let me give you an example to clarify the concern. George Mason University political science professor (you knew it had to be a college prof, didn’t you?) Jennifer Victor became openly disgruntled when Democrats began considering dumping Nancy Pelosi as the next Speaker of the House. In response she put out this now-viral reaction... Nov
Monday, November 19 2018
I appreciate political commentator S.E. Cupp immensely. I almost always find her thoughtful, well-reasoned, and even in moments of disagreement with her ideological foundations or explanations, I come away appreciative of having been pushed or challenged intellectually. But I admit that I was perplexed by her recent condemnation of the “dunking” on shameful anti-Trump lawyer Michael Avenatti over his legal troubles. As most are aware, Avenatti was recently arrested for domestic violence. Following the arrest, Avenatti tweeted his fervent disavowal... Nov
Sunday, November 18 2018
The moral bankruptcy of those who fervently defend the right to dismember baby humans in the sanctuary of their mother’s womb is well established. But sometimes it can slip from the public consciousness how willing abortion apologists are to intellectually beclown themselves for the cause. That’s why it’s nice to have those like former TV host turned left-wing commentator John Fugelsang to remind us all. Engaging in a Twitter back-and-forth with Examiner and Red State contributor Kimberly Ross, Fugelsang dropped this intellectual dung pellet... Nov
Thursday, November 15 2018
The most recent example of the consequences associated with failure to comprehend basic economics is unfolding in the vacation capital of the world, Walt Disney World. The fan site, WDW Magic announced the news yesterday:
If you’ve never actually put your marriage to the ultimate test by draining your life savings and taking your family to Disney World for a week, you may not have any idea what that bit of news means. Nov
Wednesday, November 14 2018
For the longest time I have felt actively engaged and intricately involved in fighting the progressive left’s sexual revolution. I speak out (or write) frequently about the dangers of no-fault divorce, articulate why any sane society would recognize that pornography does not fall under the auspices of free speech or free expression, and have warned repeatedly that the demands of the LGBT political lobby will result in consequences damaging to all of us, gay people included. It’s a culture war that was launched by the sexual revolutionaries dating back to Alfred Kinsey, joined by Hugh Hefner, adopted by Hollywood, and now... Nov
Tuesday, November 13 2018
I know that abortion apologists have come to believe it is their strongest counterpoint to say, “You are pro-birth, not pro-life,” but it is not. At all. The bizarre statement is utterly false, of course, given the overwhelming numbers of Christian and pro-life adoption agencies, care centers, churches, missions, and foster homes that nurture hurting and abandoned children. But to demonstrate how morally repugnant of an argument this is for the left, suppose for a second that it was a true statement. Suppose that every pro-life American arguing to end abortion cared nothing about what happened to the baby the second she began... Nov
Monday, November 12 2018
I have held my tongue in recent months regarding my frustrations with the social justice movement, including the latest trend in progressive Christianity, the emerging “woke church.” But the days leading into and out of the recent midterm elections has forced my hand. There is only so much overt, virulent racism directed at black conservatives – racism that is ignored, or placidly affirmed by these self-proclaimed arbiters of racial sensitivity and justice on the political left – that I can stomach before becoming overwhelmed with the sense that the fraud needs to be exposed. Let’s start here: no ideology owns black people... Nov
Sunday, November 11 2018
At some point it will happen. I don’t know when, but I imagine it has to be sooner rather than later. At some point there is going to be a mass revolt amongst women who are simply fed up with shrill progressive voices deigning to speak on behalf of all females. To be fair, I recognize that there are a significant portion of politically engaged women who willfully choose to follow the commands of racists like Linda Sarsour, sexists like Jessica Valenti, and sexual abusers like Lena Dunham... Nov
Friday, November 09 2018
“A chance to save our republic.” That’s a sentiment that I heard expressed by coworkers, a phrase I saw written repeatedly on social media posts, and a call to action I heard echoed by multiple celebrities in the days leading up to this week’s midterm election day. Unsurprisingly, November 6th was held out by many as, “the most important election of our lifetime.” Wait two years and you’ll hear that phrase again. And then another two years, and another, and another. It’s not that I disagree with highlighting the significance of our public policy debates; I have spent my adult life talking about cultural, social, and political issues that impact our daily lives... Nov
Wednesday, November 07 2018
When the much ballyhooed “blue wave” didn’t materialize as progressives around the country had hoped, it was painfully predictable what was coming from social justice warriors on the left – both inside and outside the church. The setback was immediately blamed on racism. Uber-woke bomb thrower Jemele Hill pinpointed the problem right away: white people. White women, specifically... Nov
Tuesday, November 06 2018
I am not anywhere remotely close to the political left. I see the world completely differently than many who are. In fact, I find the public policy ideas of the far left as dangerous to prosperity and damaging to national morality. Still, as I watched the results of the midterm elections pour in last night, I couldn’t help but feel a little bad for them. I’ve written before about how the far left is home to those whose god is government. It is the agency that brings hope or dispels it; the institution through which deliverance is achieved or denied... Nov
Monday, November 05 2018
The other night my wife and I settled in to watch a movie on Netflix and set our regular over/under at 10. That was for how many minutes it would take before one of our kids got out of bed to come in and ask for something ridiculous. We also set a second over/under that has become routine at 5. It was for how many minutes into the movie it would be before we were introduced to the happy homosexual couple. It’s a requisite part of all modern movies to include a same-sex couple, to the point where it feels forced, strained, and inauthentic. Years ago, I... Nov
Sunday, November 04 2018
There’s an element of narcissism that is present in every politician. But it seems that President Obama ushered in an era where it may be the defining characteristic of all future presidents. It’s easy for the left to point at Trump’s rather glaring self-worship and bemoan the trait. But as the midterms have approached, and former President Obama came back onto the scene to try to help Democrats reclaim so many of the seats they lost during his tenure, honest leftists were reminded that Trump’s self-absorption is nothing new. And it's just what we needed, no? What else could a hopelessly divided country ask for besides a petty, narcissistic presidential peeing match between two all-star narcissists? Nov
Thursday, November 01 2018
By now most everyone politically engaged has heard about Democrat Senator Joe Donnelly’s eye-popping gaffe during the last Indiana Senate debate before the election on Tuesday. Squaring off against his opponent, Republican businessman Mike Braun, Donnelly attempted to show everyone how committed to diversity he is. It didn’t go well: “Our state director is Indian American, but he does an amazing job,” Donnelly said during the debate. “Our director of all constituent services -- she’s African American, but she does an even more incredible job than you could ever imagine.” Watching it is even more painful than reading it... |