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Thursday, July 18 2019

Several weeks ago when I wrote a piece ranking the Democrat presidential candidates from a conservative’s perspective I also included the prediction I’ve had for quite some time as to who the nominee will actually be by the time the grueling primaries have ended.  I thought then, and I still think now that it will be Kamala Harris.

After her aggressive, personal attack on Joe Biden in their first debate, there were several others that started thinking similarly.  Social media became abuzz with the prospect of a Trump/Harris debate, with progressive lefties salivating at the prospect of what the former prosecutor would do to the petulant president.

Call me crazy, but I’m not so sure.  First of all, President Trump is never at a loss for words, and that’s really the only thing that can make a candidate appear truly humbled in a debate (think Dan Quayle’s stunned response after Lloyd Bentsen’s “You’re no Jack Kennedy” line).  Trump is unconcerned with facts, meaning that even if Harris managed to say something accurate in the debate, Trump would have no hesitation in decimating her position with made up numbers.  Then after the debate, the talking heads would rush to defend their candidate and explain why they were actually right, even if they were completely wrong.

What I’m getting at is that modern debates aren’t really set up to be actual debates.  It’s all theater, and Trump excels at that.  And there’s another problem for those dreaming of a Kamala Harris verbal takedown of the president: she’s not nearly as polished thinking on her feet as one might have expected.

If there was any question about that, her recent appearance on The View should have cleared it up.  Meghan McCain referenced Harris raising her hand at the debate acknowledging her desire to decriminalize border crossing.  Again, Harris raised her hand to signify that she did not want crossing the border illegally to be a crime anymore.  So McCain wanted to clarify that:

“You’re for decriminalizing border crossings, you’re one of the people that raised your hand at the debate. Do you agree with AOC that we should get rid of [the Department of Homeland Security] altogether?”

And Harris came back with…well…this:

“That is not correct. I am not in favor of decriminalizing um, or, uh not having um, consequence for – we have to keep, let me just, be very clear.”

Allow me to interrupt this word salad to interject that this is the precise moment in her response that a President Trump would jump in and lampoon her staggering and stammering, creating the moment everyone remembers of their debate season.  It’s a script that writes itself.  Now, back to our previously unfolding grammatical homicide:

“We have to have a secure border. But I am in favor of saying that we’re not going to treat people who are undocumented [and] cross the borders as criminals, that is correct.”

So crossing the border will no longer be illegal under a President Harris.  It won’t be a crime.  But it will be secure.  And people will respect the rule not to cross, even though if they do they won’t be in any trouble.  Or something.  Sorry, I just don’t see the slam dunk others want to imagine.

Posted by: Peter Heck AT 11:15 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email