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Thursday, August 30 2018

There’s a danger in finding your self-worth in a desperate pursuit of the applause of men – it will become an insatiable quest that leaves you rudderless, conviction-less, and ultimately hopeless.  That is the end I see developing for a man named John Pavlovitz, who years ago found an audience among those whose itching ears were longing to be scratched by someone who could wrap their humanism in Christian rhetoric.

I’ve dissected John’s work before, exposing it to the truth of the Bible that he rejects for profit and popularity.  He responded by mocking the “need” for the Bible in understanding truth, proclaiming his reason to be sufficient.  So be it.  He is certainly not the first to have done so – the Apostle Paul confronted a great many in the pagan cultures he encountered – and he will certainly not be the last to exalt his own reason over God’s revelation.

And obviously I know that for those who take Christianity seriously, those who seek to know God, meditate upon His word, and live according to His commands, John Pavlovitz is not exactly a respected or trusted voice.  He is just another man who has recklessly given his life for the cause of undermining the Gospel of Christ.

But tempted as I am to do perhaps the wisest thing, shake the dust from my sandals and move on, I can’t.  I used to want to rebut every false teaching that came from his keyboard.  I used to want to debate him and rebuke him.  I used to want to reproach him with sound doctrine and correct the grievous path he was charting for those who read him.  But now, as I understand how fruitless and futile any concerted and diligent effort for rehabilitating his spiritual well-being has become, all I can do is pray for him and encourage others to do the same.

Because John Pavlovitz is not just lost.  He is terrifyingly lost.  He is not just wrong.  He is arrogantly prideful in his mockery of God.  He is not just misleading.  He is blaspheming the name of God himself.  That is why I say there’s little believers can do for him at this point except pray.  If you think that’s extreme, consider his recent rejoinder to a commenter who addressed the reality of two sexes, male and female.  John responded

“God was said to make male and female ‘in our image.’ God is transgender. Talk to God.”

Again, I understand that serious Bible scholars do not have any time for this kind of nonsense.  I grasp that this is pop culture theology, not the voice of a Christian.  I get that Pavlovitz couldn’t exegete a Scripture to save his life.  But the point is that he doesn’t want to.   

He doesn’t want to understand the Bible – he wants to mock it.   

He doesn’t want to pursue God – he wants to create his own.   

He doesn’t want to help others by preaching salvation – he wants to increase his notoriety by preaching the spirit of the age.

He doesn’t worship Jesus – he worships John Pavlovitz.

Why grieve over that when countless others do the same?  Because John is doing all these things in the name of Christ.  That’s what is so alarming.  It’s why I can’t turn away from the train wreck as much as I want to.  John has been offered the worship of the world in exchange for telling lies about His Creator and Savior, and it seduced him.

I don’t know John Pavlovitz.  But I know if our roles were reversed I would want him to be praying for my deliverance.  So please do that for John.

Posted by: Peter Heck AT 10:44 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email