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By: Joe Hopkins

    Since 1973 we the people of this nation have murdered around 60 million people through abortion. This is my generation as I was born in 1978. This is over a third of my generation. This I find unacceptable as should anyone who realizes that over a third of the people they should have known, should have gone to school with and should be walking with us now were never allowed to be.

    Historically, losing over a third of a generation would happen from some disaster, famine, war, or plague. This would be seen as a terrible thing to happen to nation, yet we do this to ourselves. The people who fought for abortion got to be born. Their generation got to change the world. My generation has been decimated and left empty so that we can celebrate choice. “My body my choice”. The cry offends. A choice was made to have sex. A choice was made to not use any contraception even though we live in a day and time where birth control is easily obtained and other contraception, including condoms and diaphrams are easily obtainable and cheap. And we continue to honor the “choice” to snuff out a life for no good reason.

    How many of the best of my generation are missing. Have we killed my generations Einstein, or Newton. Have we missed the next great technology or art or music or poetry or science because of abortion. The voice of my generation is missing because the great speakers have not been born. Our churches are missing the next great pastors and our libraries are missing the great works that were never written by my brothers who were never allowed to be. How long can a nation stand when it kills it's best and brightest. This is why we need to protect life at conception, so that the next generation has a chance to succeed and and to lead us forward as a nation.

    Indiana has a chance to lead the way in this. Do not let this chance slip by. Matthew 25:40 says "And the King will answer them, ‘I assure you: Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me." The unborn is surely the least of these. Do we allow them to be slaughtered or do we stand up and say no more. When I stand before God, I want to have done right by the least of these. I am more concerned with my standing before God then with any political concern or hypothetical argument or even my own life. Matthew 10:28 says "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell." Fear God and do the right thing Indiana. Galatians 6:9 says "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Lets pass the life at conception act and reap that harvest.