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 Homosexual DaVinci Code 062913 

DESCRIPTION: Peter Heck discussed the opening parts of his conversation and debate with self-proclaimed Bible cryptographer Michael Wood who has claimed that the New Testament does not teach homosexuality to be a sin. While most Christians are busy watching the devolution of the meaning and purpose of marriage and family in the United States they are ignoring a simultaneous – and far more disastrous effort – to undermine the authority of God’s Word on the subject. It’s one thing to see those with no Biblical base embrace depravity. It’s far more concerning to see those within Christianity attempt to do the same. Peter also discussed the insanity of the current war on gender – depicted beautifully and horrifically, if not hilariously, by the recent "Transgender Etiquette" advisory at a recent liberal conference.

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NOTES: Peter opened the program with a quick reflection on the decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court this week relative to so-called 'gay marriage.'

But far more potentially damaging than the expressed whims of nine lawyers in black robes who make decisions largely based on the changing cultural tides that surround them rather than anything concrete, is the battle to undermine the cornerstone of God’s Word on sexuality by those within Christianity. Which is why Peter welcomed to the program self-proclaimed cryptology expert Michael Wood, who claims to have made a "Bible discovery that will end the debate on gay marriage." Specifically, Wood claims that the English translations of the Bible misinterpret the language Paul used in both 1 Corinthians and 1 Timothy. Wood contends that what Paul condemned was only the rape of young boys, not consensual, male-on-male homosexual monogamy.

Peter exposed the false teaching in Wood’s contention, returning to the Greek word Paul essentially created for his audience: arsenokoitai. The word, used in both his 1 Corinthians and 1 Timothy letters, references back to the Levitical law found in Leviticus 20:13, and literally means, "Men" – "in bed together." The meaning is clear: the New Testament does not render homosexual attraction, temptation, urges or even predisposition sinful. It does render homosexual activity "abomination," in fact. This fits with our understanding of other forms of sexual immorality: a married man’s attraction to a woman that is not his wife is a natural urge and predisposition. It does not become sinful until he acts on that urge either lustfully or physically.

So what motivates Michael Wood’s efforts to upend the historic understanding of the Bible’s teachings on homosexuality? As one who self-identifies as "gay," Wood has openly stated his desire to undermine the authority of Scripture not by offering a different interpretation, but by rendering the believer’s interpretation as impossible. This smacks of the very thing Paul warned about in his letter to Timothy:

For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. 2 Timothy 4:3-4

Later on the show, Peter addressed the "T" part of the LGBT movement. Often Christians forget that this movement is not about "equal rights," but in reality is a cultural transformation being attempted by those who are warring against gender. If Christians want a glimpse of the path ahead for American culture, they need only look at the "Transgender Etiquette" section of the welcome packet provided to liberal attendees at the 2013 Netroots Nation Conference. Stressing that it’s important to not make any assumptions about a person’s gender, the advisory advocates (amongst other offensive things) "gender neutral bathrooms" to ensure that men who feel like women that day can "pee in peace." No, that isn’t a joke.